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Maranatha Blog

I Thought It Was His Last Breath

Posted by Bonnie Sookermany on

 He gave His very last breath for me. I became fully aware of the truth one day of how God put Himself ‘out there’ for me; He gave His very last breath for me. Everything He had, He laid it all on the cross. He took all of my shame, sin, pain, fears, thoughts of not belonging...

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More Than A Christmas Tree


Posted by Clare Braun on

FOOD, FAMILY, AND GOOD TIMES I love and enjoy this time of the year as much as any other. I love the snow, Christmas trees, decorations, carols and especially love Handel's Messiah. At our home, the celebration on December 24 begins with appetizers and a family time at Maranatha for the...

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Tags: birth, christmas, death, family, jesus, kingdom, power, religion, religión, resurrection, spirit, traditions

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear


Posted by Roger Armbruster on

CAROLS CARRYING TRUTH As I get older, I am amazed at depths of truth that are in some of the traditional Christmas carols that I had missed seeing previously, even though I have sung these carols many times before. For example, the other morning, Marge and I were singing together the well-known...

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Tags: angels, babel, carols, chaos, christmas, goodwill, heaven, jesus, peace, praises, roman empire, truth, it came upon a midnight clear

What is God Thinking?


Posted by Daniel Fewster on

What does God think about you? What if God’s mad at you? What if He’s mad at you and you don’t know it? These kinds of questions plagued my mind for a long time. Most Christians at some point have struggled with guilt, shame and condemnation, and I was no different...

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