I Thought It Was His Last Breath

He gave His very last breath for me.
I became fully aware of the truth one day of how God put Himself ‘out there’ for me; He gave His very last breath for me.
Everything He had, He laid it all on the cross. He took all of my shame, sin, pain, fears, thoughts of not belonging, thoughts of being unloved, feelings of being lost, all of those thoughts that love to take over in my mind. Nothing good comes from it.
He gave His very last breath, He suffered, He felt so much pain, He bled, He died…for what?
He did it for my freedom, to save me from all of the thoughts that bombard me on a daily basis.
I deserved that, not Him, but He knew that I could not endure it, so He gave His last breath. He gave His last breath so that I could belong, so I would not be alone, so I could be free from pain and fear.
He made me Royalty
Now the winds of heaven blow and as I sit alone with feelings of “I don’t fit in”, “I don’t belong”. I’m dying on the inside unaware, unwilling to really see what He did as He took His last breath. All of a sudden, I can see Him hanging on that cross and it hits me like never before. All of my uncertainties and fears fall off like blinders falling to the ground…He took His last breath for ME, and in doing so He made me Royalty.
He gave me a destiny that no one can take from me. He set me free from all those thoughts, those feelings of not belonging, He placed me in family, He places ALL of Himself in me, and I can’t help but feel part of something that is so much bigger than me.
I can choose not to accept it, but no one can take it away from me. And when the winds of heaven blow, they blow for me. When He shakes everything in me, it’s because He loves me too much to allow me to stay where I am.
I will not be held back from the Love of my Father.
His love begins to move me and change me and yes, sometimes it’s hard but it’s always worth it, if I’m just willing to hold His hand and go forward WITH Him. His last breath is what made it worth it. There is no power on earth or in hell that can hold me back; chains of sin and shame and fear cannot hold me back. He’s alive, He is risen and I will not be held back from the Love of my Father. Let the winds blow, let the rain of fire fall on me, let ALL that God has for me be mine, be yours.
“Death where is your sting, grave where is our victory? He’s alive, now I’m alive and I will never die.”
We are sons and daughters of the only living King, Set apart, Holy, whole, healed, fearless, strengthened by Him, loved beyond measure, pure, accepted. Surrendered to Him, alive to praise Him-we will never be the same.
I thought it was His last breath but…. I heard the roar of the Lion of Judah…If you trust in Me you will not be shaken!
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