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Maranatha Blog

More Than A Christmas Tree


Posted by Clare Braun on

FOOD, FAMILY, AND GOOD TIMES I love and enjoy this time of the year as much as any other. I love the snow, Christmas trees, decorations, carols and especially love Handel's Messiah. At our home, the celebration on December 24 begins with appetizers and a family time at Maranatha for the...

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Tags: birth, christmas, death, family, jesus, kingdom, power, religion, religión, resurrection, spirit, traditions

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear


Posted by Roger Armbruster on

CAROLS CARRYING TRUTH As I get older, I am amazed at depths of truth that are in some of the traditional Christmas carols that I had missed seeing previously, even though I have sung these carols many times before. For example, the other morning, Marge and I were singing together the well-known...

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Tags: angels, babel, carols, chaos, christmas, goodwill, heaven, jesus, peace, praises, roman empire, truth, it came upon a midnight clear