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Maranatha Blog

Heal Our Land, O Lord!

Posted by Roger Armbruster on

Heal Our Land O Lord! I think that it is time for me to speak up. I do not pretend to have the final word on what is the way forward for the pathway to reconciliation between the First Peoples of the Land and other People Groups in Canada, but it is clear to me that the present-day crisis...

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It Came Upon the Midnight Clear


Posted by Roger Armbruster on

CAROLS CARRYING TRUTH As I get older, I am amazed at depths of truth that are in some of the traditional Christmas carols that I had missed seeing previously, even though I have sung these carols many times before. For example, the other morning, Marge and I were singing together the well-known...

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Tags: angels, babel, carols, chaos, christmas, goodwill, heaven, jesus, peace, praises, roman empire, truth, it came upon a midnight clear

Good Faith

Posted by Roger Armbruster on

Recently, I had the opportunity to read an excellent book by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, entitled Good Faith, Being a Christian when Society Thinks You’re Irrelevant and Extreme. David Kinnaman is the president of Barna Group, a leading research and communications...

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