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Maranatha Blog

You Don't Complete Me: Is there any hope for a broken marriage?

Posted by Clare and Ruth Braun on

Clare:  One of the saddest commentaries in our present church culture is the failure of marriage relationships. The latest statistics by George Barma seem to indicate that the divorce rate in the church is almost identical to those who do not have a relationship with the...

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Whisper Trailer - Sea of Glass

Posted by Crystal Isaak on

We have some amazing creatives in our fam! I can't wait to see what Sea of Glass and Nathar Worship have been working on...Check out this teaser!   Whisper Trailer Come check out the full video (featuring the talented Danielle Marie Kroeker) premiering at Maranatha this Sunday...

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What is God Thinking?


Posted by Daniel Fewster on

What does God think about you? What if God’s mad at you? What if He’s mad at you and you don’t know it? These kinds of questions plagued my mind for a long time. Most Christians at some point have struggled with guilt, shame and condemnation, and I was no different...

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When Scaredy-Cats Meet Jesus


Posted by Stephanie Armbruster on

There are a lot of good reasons to be afraid. This world isn’t a safe place. And those born with boldness have one up over those of us for whom fear is a second skin (which, oxymoronically, leaves us more prone to injury than were we without it). So what do we do, then, if we...

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Tags: courage, faith, fear

What Would it Be Like?

Posted by Bonnie Sookermany on

What would it be like if, for one week, I did EVERYTHING the Lord asked me to do? This question was asked in our ladies life group a few weeks ago and the thought intrigued me.  What if…the body of Christ did all the things that Holy Spirit whispers into our ears or speaks to our...

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Tags: action, faith, obedience

Distractions and Things Above

Posted by Crystal Isaak on

"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life...

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Tags: colossians, heaven, kingdom, perspective, transformation

Identity and Me


Posted by Crystal Isaak on

Hi Friends, As promised, here is a bit of my journey over the last few months. A few months ago I sensed I was getting a bit low. I have gone to counselling before and have seen it help me through these times when emotions seem to pull down. Can anyone relate? It’s amazing how a poor mood...

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Tags: child of god, depression, identity
