What Are You Passionate About? (Part 2)
(If you haven't taken a look yet, check out PART ONE click HERE)
I would like to encourage you to read the “About Us” part of the Maranatha website. Under "Community" it says:
“The church is a multi-generational family, requiring each person (like a body needs each part) to function in a healthy way”.
Once we take time to find out how amazing and uniquely gifted God has made each one of us, we can step back and watch Him put together a wonderful community.
Is there anything wrong in thinking that if everyone moves in what they are passionate about, all the needs in the world would be met? Is that something that you can believe, or do you think I'm too idealistic?
Meeting all of the needs of the world may be too big of a picture, so lets start at home first.
Would our closest relationships at home be less stressful if we let our family members be who they are instead of who we think they should be? What if we made the effort to find out why they think the way they think and then affirm them in the unique things they are interested in?
Would church be more meaningful if we went every Sunday looking for someone to be curious about instead of waiting for someone to be nice to us?
And how about church? Would church be more meaningful if we went every Sunday looking for someone to be curious about instead of waiting for someone to be nice to us? Let me say that I am not naturally outgoing. I have always considered myself more of an introvert. Yet, are we introverts going to let the extroverts have all the fun? Lets get out there!
After you look at home and in your church, you can look at your community and then the world beyond that. Would God really have all the needs of the world covered if each of us confidently stepped in our personal passions? Something to think about.
You may say that the idea that every need would be met if people followed their passion is too idealistic. After all, there is a lot of negativity in the world that we don’t have any control over.
That is true. Yet the beautiful thing about this is that we do not have to be perfect for this to all happen. None of us have it all together, but we all do have a part, whether male, female, young, or old. In fact our imperfection has nothing to do with it when we are talking about the Kingdom of God. His strength is perfect in our weakness.
I love the example of Craig Kielburger. Craig was only 12 years old when he started Free the Children. Free the Children is now a powerful international organization which advocates for the rights of children. This organisation became possible because one young boy was passionate about something and did something about it.
I have the opportunity to go to “We Day” again this year. "We Day" is an event put on by Free the Children. Through this event, thousands of teenagers have been motivated to do what they can do and come together to celebrate. Entrance is not gained by a fee but by contributing to your community. Mr Kielburger continues to champion on youth to follow his example of following his passion, not being discounted by age.
Another example I like to brag on my own dad. He is my personal hero because he got his pilots license at the age of 65. Becoming a pilot had always been his dream, and so, in his early sixties, he finally had the time and the resources to commit to it. He pursued his passion and succeeded at a time when many people are pulling back from challenging themselves to grow.
Part 1 of this blog was about being curious about others, asking questions, and truly listening to each other. Part 2 was about being confident in our personal uniqueness and encouraging each other to follow our passions.
The question is “What are you passionate about?”
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