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Maranatha Blog - What Are You Passionate About? (Part 1)

What Are You Passionate About? (Part 1)

Posted by Ruth Braun on

I recently had an opportunity to have a great conversation with one the youth in our church. It is always meaningful to really “hear” the heart of someone and I particularly love to discover the depth of thought in the younger generation. If you’ve never taken the time to do this, I would highly recommend it.


The buzz words of Gen X, Gen Y, or Baby Boomers have been interesting concepts in recent years. But could it be that we have overused these terms? From a demographic point of few, these terms have been extremely helpful in marketing, product development, or getting creative in finding solutions to upcoming issues (for example, Canada’s aging population). However, I have found that in using these terms, there is a tendency to put ourselves or others in a box instead of looking at each other as unique, intriguing and maybe even fascinating individuals.


My primary value is to know God and to experience His amazing love for me and then secondly, to let this love overflow to others. Should it matter what age, or social class, a person comes from (or anything that maybe looks different than my own small world for that matter) when it comes to sharing that love? Here’s another thought. How can we really learn to care about each other when each age group is only socializing and communicating within their own peers? Just think about how powerful and bridge building it could be if we would be more curious about each other!


What can a single person talk about with a married person? What can a married person talk about with a single person? It’s actually quite simple. How about being curious! What can a teen talk about with a grandparent? What can a grandparent talk about with a teen? Be curious and you will find your answer!

Have you ever approached another individual and tried to get to know them? Not by awkwardly trying to find something to say, but in a real “I’m interested in what you have to say” kind of way.

One of my favourite questions is “What are you passionate about?”. Of course, I’ll get a strange look but I continue.

”No really, what gets you?”… I tap my fist to my heart.

If that doesn’t draw a response, I go on. “What do you love to do for fun?” Ummmm…. that will actually will draw out a reply. If I really tune myself to listen, the conversation will lead back to the things they are passionate about. If you practice this, you will be rewarded by getting to know an amazing person!

I challenge you to try it and let me know what happens in the comments before I get to the second part of this blog.

Remember, the word is “Curious”!

