Faith in the Midst of Fear

COVID-19 is creating intense fear across the planet. Many have found themselves full of anxiety fueled by fear, lack, and worst case scenarios of impending doom.
I believe much of what is behind such fears (that contributes to hording and self-preservation) is devious and the enemy is seeking to feed it... Ephesians reminds that our struggle is not with flesh and blood...but with principalities and spiritual forces of evil.
Let us remember that we are not only dealing with a virus but we are going toe-to-toe with a foreboding spirit that’s pressing in on us seeking to immobilize us with fear and despair, that is threatening to shut down entire nations.
Let us remind and encourage one another that while this may feel like a scary moment, the God of the impossible, whose love casts out all fear, is with you! He has plans to give us a future filled with hope, goodness...and life!
He has not given us a spirit of fear... but a spirit of power, love and self-control!!
It's of utmost importance that we are wise, take precautions, and not participate in spreading the virus.
Yet it’s equally important that we do not perpetuate fear that spreads doom and gloom... and participate in projecting the enemies’ false narrative of hopelessness and demise.
I want to say this....Take heart and take courage... we are not the first generation who have gone through trials and tribulations.
Jesus tells us they sure to come. But trial and tribulation is not the end of the story...they are simply the setting in which our God who is above all these things will reveal himself as savior, redeemer, healer and friend.
Let us take every opportunity to remind ourselves of Christ victory over death, disease and despair.
Let us retell the stories of his miracles and wonders: that Jesus is a master of making all things new. That God specializes in the impossible!
For those who don’t have that hope, no amount of toilet paper or cans of Spam stacked in the garage will make any difference. It will not protect them, free them or deliver them.
For us who know the deliverer... who have his promises written on our hearts as an anchor of hope...
Let us speak it out. Let us live it out. Let us declare it at every opportunity that the spirit of dread and fear be pushed back and the hope of Christ shine through.
Today as yesterday, the world is still in God’s hands.
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