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Your financial support makes the ministry and mission of Maranatha Niverville possible!
Donations can be designated to the General Fund or to any of our church endorsed Projects.



When giving with a Cheque or Cash, offering envelopes can be filled out to designate your giving.

  • Cheques should be made out to “Maranatha Niverville”
  • When designating to a missionary use the project name only. Do not use individual’s names.
  • When designating to a project always use an envelope and do not write anything on the cheque memo line.

In the example below John Doe has made a donation of $200 and designated it as follow:

  • $100 as Tithe/Offering (General Fund)
  • $50 to Benevolence
  • $50 to Project Layette Love

In this example John Doe only needs to write out a single cheque for $200, which is then distributed to 3 different funds.


Giving through Online Banking is currently available for those who use online banking with a Manitoba Credit Union. Set up is done through the BILL PAYMENT OPTION in exactly the same way you would pay a Hydro, Phone or Credit Card Bill. Donations can be made to the General Fund or any church endorsed Project, and can be set up as a onetime gift or a recurring donation on specific dates. 

Online bill payment service is often included for free with your Credit Union account. However, there may be a nominal fee (usually around $0.50 - $1.00) depending on what type of account you have. If you are unsure, you may want to confirm this with your Credit Union. 

To MAKE A PAYMENT (donation) follow the steps below: (Wording in example below is taken from Niverville Credit Union. The menu wording at your Credit Union may vary slightly, but the process will be the same.)

  1. Log into your online banking with your Credit Union
  2. Select “Payments”
  3. Select “Add Payee”
  4. Search for or Browse list of payees and select “MARANATHA NIVERVILLE” from payee list.
  5. Input Account number (see below) and click "Submit"  
    • Account numbers consists of your personal 10 digit phone number immediately followed by the project name you wish to donate to (no spaces). There are a max of 20 characters. When a project name is longer than 10 letters please use the first 10 letters of the Project name only.
      • Example 1: 2043881111GENERAL
      • Example 2: 2044332222BENEVOLENC
      • Example 3: 2043773333LAYETTELOV
    • For a list of Project names, CLICK HERE
  • A new separate account needs to be entered for each project you wish to donate to. Once account(s) have been added you are now ready to make your donation! Select “payments”, choose the account(s) (General or Project Names) you wish to designate to, input amount(s), click “pay bills” and “confirm”. You’re done! (If you wish to schedule automatic recurring donations please continue to step 7.)
  • For those who wish to set up AUTOMATIC RECURRING GIVING: This can be set up by selecting “Schedule Recurring Payments”, then filling in the requested information below:
        • Select your bank account you wish to pay from,
        • Select payee (MARANATHA NIVERVILLE - General or Project Name account) you wish to pay to,
        • Select Start date
        • Select Payment Frequency
        • Select End date
        • Click Schedule
        • Click Confirm




    We are using as a convenient service to provide you with the ability to use your credit card to give donations to Maranatha Niverville. 


    Watch below for more info on 

    Download the app at the Apple or Android App Store or click the button below to give directly via Credit Card:



    Text "GIVE" to 587-805-0332 for set-up instructions to give a donation through text. Watch the video below to learn more about and how text-to-give works:


    When you are registered with, you can give to the general fund by simply entering the amount you'd like to give. 

    If you'd like to designate funds to a project, type the name after your donation amount. (Ex. Text "25 Layette Love" to give $25.00 to the Layette Love Project) 

    Click here for a list of Project Names and their descriptions.



    -        To give using Interac e-Transfer, please send the e-transfer to this email address: 

    -        In the message field of your transaction, please indicate what fund (general, or church project name) your donation is for. Donations without a specific message will automatically go to the general fund.

    -        To simplify the process, we have set up e-transfers donations to be automatically deposited into Maranatha’s account without having to answer a security question.


    If you have further questions for our accounting department, please contact us using the form below:


    Accounting Form

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